Date & Time
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

12:00pm - 1:00pm

Caring for the Caregiver When a Farmer has Health Problems
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Flight attendants instruct passengers to place the oxygen mask over their own face first before assisting others. If you cannot breathe, how can you help others breathe, survive and thrive?
Caregivers for farmers with serious medical conditions face unique challenges with balancing family, work schedules and medical appointments. Health problems can transform an active independent lifestyle into one of uncertainty, dependence and adaptation for the farmer and farm family. Complicating the emotional and physical challenges of a disability or serious health condition are financial challenges. AgrAbility has resources that will help everyone learn how to adapt to new realities in a productive way and learn to support the entire family during this adjustment. The caregiver has a pivotal role in the adjustment process for the entire family.  
Learn how to care for the caregiver during this session and discover resources to help you through the journey.
Beverly Berens-MI AgrAbility
Ned Stoller-MI AgrAbility
