Farming For Generations
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Farming For Generations
2:00pm - 4:00pm
Join John Kempf, host of the Regenerative Agriculture Podcast and founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture, for an exploration of how Regenerative Agriculture can secure the legacy of our farms. John will discuss novel ways of thinking about pest management, fruit quality, and soil health. He’ll also introduce foundational concepts like the Plant Health Pyramid that explains how plants can increasingly resist pests as they become healthier. John believes that leaving a legacy means producing nutritious food that nourishes people and has lower pesticide requirements. It also means ensuring our farms’ profitability and providing a joyful, stable livelihood for the next generation. He’ll show how regenerative practices can achieve all of those goals.
John Kempf-Regenerative Agriculture Podcast
