Introducing the New Beginning Farmer Resource and Decision Making Guide
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Introduction to the New Beginning Farmer Resource and Decision Making Guide
2:00pm - 4:00pm
The Beginning Farmer Resource and Decision Making Guide is a new jointly created resource in the works from MSU Extension and USDA. The Guide will provide a pathway to all the resources a new farmer or decision-maker may need to get started and support their production journey. In this session, the developers of the Guide will be looking for your input to help ensure it meets your needs. They’ll also be sharing the guide design, what's currently included, how to use it, and where you’ll be able to access the Guide once completed.
Aimee Swenson-USDA Farm Service Agency
Jonathan LaPorte-Michigan State University

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