Avoid Emergencies and Get a Handle on Handling Cuttings
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 2:40 PM - 3:30 PM

Avoid Emergencies and Get a Handle on Handling Cuttings
2:40pm - 3:30pm
Vegetative cuttings give our industry access to interesting varieties and often times a faster turn in the greenhouse. However, there are some challenges with dealing with a more perishable input in comparison to seed. Join Dr. Nathan Jahnke for a look into Best Management Practices (BMPs) for handling vegetative cuttings. This talk will focus on preparing for unrooted cutting arrival, important steps to navigating challenges with logistics, key indicators of cutting stress, stress remediation techniques like rehydration, and BMPs during the first stages of rooting.
Nathan Jahnke-Ball Horticultural Company
