Sensory Merchandising: Connecting with Customers One Sense at a Time
Date & Time
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Farm Market Keynote - Sensory Merchandising: Connecting with Customers One Sense at a Time
10:00am - 11:00am
Sensory merchandising focuses on using the five senses to connect the dots between a store and a customer’s emotional response. Creating a space where customers feel welcome and comfortable is directly linked to their sensory experience, which serves as a gateway to the brain’s processing centers. Research into brain science reveals how our senses—sight, taste, smell, touch, and sound—impact our emotions and decision-making processes. By understanding these connections, brands can craft experiences that resonate more deeply with their customers.
 What does your brand look, taste, smell, feel and sound like? These sensory elements play a crucial role in shaping how customers perceive and interact with your brand and products.
Join the ZenGenius team, Meg Lefeld and Emily Shirey, as they share some of the industry's best Sensory Merchandising experiences. This fun and engaging session will help you gain a better understanding and provide inspiration on how you can stimulate your customers' senses.
Meg Lefeld-ZenGenius, Inc.
Emily Shirey-ZenGenius, Inc.

Farm Marketing
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