New Agricultural Water Rules in Fresh Produce
9:00am - 11:00am
In May of 2024 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the new produce safety rules for preharvest agricultural water. Join us as we hear from the FDA on what those new rules are. After the FDA panel, an MDARD inspector, a Michigan grower and Don Stoeckel a Cornell University Extension specialist will reflect on how this impacts their work.
New Agricultural Water Rules in Fresh Produce
9:00am - 10:00am
In May of 2024 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published the new produce safety rules for preharvest agricultural water. Join us as we hear from the FDA on what those new rules are. After the FDA presentation, MDARD inspector Nick Babcock, a Michigan grower and Cornell University Extension specialist Don Stoeckel, will reflect on how this impacts their work.
Kruti Ravaliya - Food and Drug Administration
Nick Babcock - MDARD
Don Stoeckel - Produce Safety Allliance
Supervisor On-farm Produce Safety Refresher
10:00am - 11:00am
Annually, supervisors and others with produce safety responsibilities are required to have continuing education around produce safety. This refresher will give you tools you can use to be a better supervisor and improve produce safety among your employees. As a bonus, you will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the refresher for your records.
Phil Tocco - Michigan State University
Don Stoeckel ,Produce Safety Alliance at Cornell
Phillip Tocco ,Michigan State University Extension
Kruti Ravaliya ,Food and Drug Administration